About me


Self-Driving Car Engineer and Mobile Robotics Engineer,
(not anymore) a mentor at Udacity‘s Self-Driving Car Nanodegree.

Successfully participated in several robotics competitions including DARPA VRC, ELROB, Eurathlon, Udacity Challenge and Self-Racing Cars. Now working on deep learning solutions at Cufix.


Book chapters

  1. Janusz Będkowski, Karol Majek, Michal Pełka, Andrzej Masłowski, Antonio Coelho, Ricardo Goncalves, Ricardo Baptista and Jose Manuel Sanchez, „Search and Rescue Robotics – From Theory to Practice”, Chapter 9 – ICARUS Training and Support System  ISBN 978-953-51-3376- 6, Print ISBN 978-953- 51-3375- 9, 2017

Journal publications

  1. Haris Balta, Janusz Będkowski, Shashank Govindaraj, Karol Majek, Paweł Musialik, Daniel Serrano, Kostas Alexis, Roland Siegwart, Geert De Cubber, “Integrated Data Management for a Fleet of Search-and-rescue Robots”, Journal of Field Robotics, 2016.
  2. Janusz Bedkowski, Karol Majek, Piotr Majek, Pawel Musialik, Michal Pelka, Andreas Nuechter, “Intelligent mobile system for improving spatial design support and security inside buildings”, Mobile Networks and Applications, 2015.
  3. Janusz Będkowski, Karol Majek, Paweł Musialik, Artur Adamek, Dariusz Andrzejewski, Damian Czekaj, „Towards terestrial 3D data registration improved by parallel programming and evaluated with geodetic precision”, Automation in Construction, 2014.
  4. Janusz Będkowski, Karol Majek, Andreas Nüchter, „General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units for Robotic Applications”, Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics, 2013.
  5. Igor Ostrowski, Karol Majek, Artur Adamek, Paweł Musialik, Janusz Będkowski, Andrzej Masłowski „Mobilny system tworzenia przestrzennej dokumentacji semantycznej”, PAK, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, 2012.

To see all publications go to publications page.

Projects (click to see more)


  • 2019 – Ph.D. Poznań University of Technology
  • 2017 – Research Associate, Fraunhofer FKIE
  • 2017 – Self-Driving Car Engineer, Udacity Nanodegree
  • 2016 – Mentor and student at Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree
  • 2015 – Aerospace Information Technology International Summer School, Uni of Würzburg
  • 2014 – M.Sc.Eng. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, Robotics

Self-Racing Cars 2017 – Udacity Team Soulless

The second edition of Self-Racing Cars Event – an autonomous racing series. This year Udacity in partnership with PolySync and their OSCC project created team of talented engineers from Self-Driving Car Nanodegree.


Be there – 360 experience!

Continue reading “Self-Racing Cars 2017 – Udacity Team Soulless”


ERL Emergency 2017 — Deep Learning to the rescue

Team IMM approach to European Robotics League Emergency 2017 European Robotics League is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program. It is continuation of three earlier projects: RoCKIn@Home (now: ERL Service Robots) tournament focuses on the domain of service robotics for home application. RoCKIn@Work (now: ERL Industrial Robots) tournament focuses on the domain of …


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